Mental health care for LGBT+



You can come to us with the following complaints:

Problems with coming out / acceptation
Internalized homo- / trans- / intersex phobia
Stigma / discrimination
Anxiety / Depression
Trauma (PTSD)
(Gender)identity problems
Sexual problems

If you recognize yourself in the following:

Constantly getting into conflicts with your environment
Having difficulties setting boundaries
Having difficulties processing painful events
Feeling overwhelmed by your emotions
Having difficulties feeling or expressing emotions
Fear of intimacy or attachment


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Affect Phobia Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
Psychodynamic therapy
Schema Focused Therapy (SFT)


Individual therapy

Individual therapy is a form of therapy where you work one-on-one with your therapist. The treatment is tailored to the treatment goals and themes that are relevant to you alone

Group therapy

Group therapy is a form of therapy where multiple people with similar problems or challenges participate simultaneously in a series of treatment sessions

Relationship and family therapy

Relationship and family therapy are both forms of therapy primarily focused on improving communication, mutual understanding, and the bond between, for example, partners and/or family members


We also offer patients who prefer it the option to conduct a portion or the entire treatment through video calling. This way, healthcare is accessible to everyone



For effective treatment of mental health problems, it is important to have a good understanding of what you are struggling with and why you are experiencing certain difficulties. A (psychiatric) diagnosis can be helpful in this regard. For LGBTI+ people, in addition to general psychological knowledge, extra diagnostic expertise may be necessary. At Kaleidos, we perform diagnostics from multiple disciplines, personalized to your specific needs. This can range from medical-psychiatric assessments to psychological evaluations and systemic diagnostics, depending on your problem and needs.

If you are experiencing challenges in your current treatment and suspect that LGBTQ+-related issues may be a contributing factor, additional specialized diagnostics in this area can potentially benefit your treatment. We offer the option of (diagnostic) consultation and second opinions specifically focused on addressing these concerns. Depending on your needs, you may be seen by professionals such as our psychiatrist, psychologist, sexologist, and/or creative therapist, who will provide you with a personalized diagnostic or treatment recommendation based on your specific inquiry.


For transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer people, we provide two types of care: care aimed at starting and guiding through medical transition, and general mental healthcare alongside or following your medical transition.

Diagnostic and supportive care concerning medical transition

For the start of medical transition care, such as hormone therapy, surgeries, fertility treatment, and paramedical care like speech therapy or laser hair removal, we offer a multidisciplinary and streamlined diagnostic trajectory. We work according  to the Netherlands Quality Standards in Transgender Care. For ongoing treatment, we collaborate with institutions such as Amsterdam UMC and Gender Clinic. We coordinate your personalized treatment plan and provide guidance throughout your medical transition journey, if necessary.

For diagnostics and indication for medical transition, we exclusively invite people from the waiting list of Amsterdam UMC. We DO NOT maintain our own waiting list, and it is therefore NOT possible to be referred to us without an invitation.

General psychological or psychiatric care

Transgender people may encounter negative experiences in society, which can increase the likelihood of psychological distress. Having knowledge of gender, hormones, surgeries, and specific related issues can be important when treating conditions such as depression or trauma. At Kaleidos, we provide transgender-sensitive care, including support in addition to medical transition elsewhere or as "aftercare" following transition

For general psychological or psychiatric care for transgender individuals, direct referrals ARE accepted. However, we unfortunately DO NOT have capacity to provide mental healthcare as a bridging service for waiting periods until diagnostics and indications for medical transition.


Psychological problems resulting from medical treatments, hormonal changes, secrecy, or identity issues are more common among individuals with variations in sex development (DSD or intersex), such as androgen insensitivity syndrome, MRKH syndrome, or Turner syndrome. When seeking treatment for mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, trauma, or sexual and gender issues, it can be beneficial to receive care from a provider outside the hospital who has knowledge and understanding of intersex experiences. At Kaleidos, we have multiple healthcare providers who specialize in intersex care and approach it in a non-pathologizing and sensitive manner.


A diagnosis of hiv can have a significant impact on a person's life, even with the advancements in treatment options available today. Living with an hiv diagnosis can be accompanied by challenges such as negative self-image, (self)stigma, difficulties in relationships and intimacy, as well as feelings of trauma, sadness, or anxiety. At Kaleidos, we have multiple healthcare providers from diverse disciplines who are experienced in treating individuals with mental health concerns related to living with hiv.

Our treatment options includes individual or group therapy, medication management, sexual health counseling, and relationship therapy. We possess specific knowledge regarding the compatibility of psychiatric medications with hiv medications, provide guidance on psychologically responsible engagement in chemsex, and address issues related to negative self-perception. We approach hiv-related mental health care in a non-pathologizing and sensitive manner, recognizing the unique challenges and needs of people in this context.


At Kaleidos, we also offer support for the diverse family structures that LGBTQ+ people are increasingly choosing. This includes adoption, donor conception, surrogacy, and multi-parent families. Just like in cisgender/heterosexual families, challenges can arise between parents or between parents and children. Our support is aimed at non-traditional family forms where one or more parents identify as LGBTQ+ (modern families).

You can seek our support at any stage of family formation, from the desire to have children to the transition into adulthood and beyond. It is important to note that these services primarily fall outside the scope of reimbursed care, meaning that people are responsible for covering the costs themselves.



For effective treatment of mental health problems, it is important to have a good understanding of what you are struggling with and why you are experiencing certain difficulties. A (psychiatric) diagnosis can be helpful in this regard. For LGBTI+ people, in addition to general psychological knowledge, extra diagnostic expertise may be necessary. At Kaleidos, we perform diagnostics from multiple disciplines, personalized to your specific needs. This can range from medical-psychiatric assessments to psychological evaluations and systemic diagnostics, depending on your problem and needs.

If you are experiencing challenges in your current treatment and suspect that LGBTQ+-related issues may be a contributing factor, additional specialized diagnostics in this area can potentially benefit your treatment. We offer the option of (diagnostic) consultation and second opinions specifically focused on addressing these concerns. Depending on your needs, you may be seen by professionals such as our psychiatrist, psychologist, sexologist, and/or creative therapist, who will provide you with a personalized diagnostic or treatment recommendation based on your specific inquiry.


For transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer people, we provide two types of care: care aimed at starting and guiding through medical transition, and general mental healthcare alongside or following your medical transition.

Diagnostic and supportive care concerning medical transition

For the start of medical transition care, such as hormone therapy, surgeries, fertility treatment, and paramedical care like speech therapy or laser hair removal, we offer a multidisciplinary and streamlined diagnostic trajectory. We work according  to the Netherlands Quality Standards in Transgender Care. For ongoing treatment, we collaborate with institutions such as Amsterdam UMC and Gender Clinic. We coordinate your personalized treatment plan and provide guidance throughout your medical transition journey, if necessary.

For diagnostics and indication for medical transition, we exclusively invite people from the waiting list of Amsterdam UMC. We DO NOT maintain our own waiting list, and it is therefore NOT possible to be referred to us without an invitation.

General psychological or psychiatric care

Transgender people may encounter negative experiences in society, which can increase the likelihood of psychological distress. Having knowledge of gender, hormones, surgeries, and specific related issues can be important when treating conditions such as depression or trauma. At Kaleidos, we provide transgender-sensitive care, including support in addition to medical transition elsewhere or as "aftercare" following transition

For general psychological or psychiatric care for transgender individuals, direct referrals ARE accepted. However, we unfortunately DO NOT have capacity to provide mental healthcare as a bridging service for waiting periods until diagnostics and indications for medical transition.


Psychological problems resulting from medical treatments, hormonal changes, secrecy, or identity issues are more common among individuals with variations in sex development (DSD or intersex), such as androgen insensitivity syndrome, MRKH syndrome, or Turner syndrome. When seeking treatment for mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, trauma, or sexual and gender issues, it can be beneficial to receive care from a provider outside the hospital who has knowledge and understanding of intersex experiences. At Kaleidos, we have multiple healthcare providers who specialize in intersex care and approach it in a non-pathologizing and sensitive manner.


A diagnosis of hiv can have a significant impact on a person's life, even with the advancements in treatment options available today. Living with an hiv diagnosis can be accompanied by challenges such as negative self-image, (self)stigma, difficulties in relationships and intimacy, as well as feelings of trauma, sadness, or anxiety. At Kaleidos, we have multiple healthcare providers from diverse disciplines who are experienced in treating individuals with mental health concerns related to living with hiv.

Our treatment options includes individual or group therapy, medication management, sexual health counseling, and relationship therapy. We possess specific knowledge regarding the compatibility of psychiatric medications with hiv medications, provide guidance on psychologically responsible engagement in chemsex, and address issues related to negative self-perception. We approach hiv-related mental health care in a non-pathologizing and sensitive manner, recognizing the unique challenges and needs of people in this context.


At Kaleidos, we also offer support for the diverse family structures that LGBTQ+ people are increasingly choosing. This includes adoption, donor conception, surrogacy, and multi-parent families. Just like in cisgender/heterosexual families, challenges can arise between parents or between parents and children. Our support is aimed at non-traditional family forms where one or more parents identify as LGBTQ+ (modern families).

You can seek our support at any stage of family formation, from the desire to have children to the transition into adulthood and beyond. It is important to note that these services primarily fall outside the scope of reimbursed care, meaning that people are responsible for covering the costs themselves.

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