Mental health care for LGBT+

Costs and reimbursement



The treatments provided at Kaleidos are covered by the universal health insurance (basisverzekering). With a referral from your general practitioner or other authorized healthcare provider, the treatment at Kaleidos can be reimbursed. However, please be aware of the deductible/excess (eigen risico) that may apply.

Kaleidos has already signed contracts with the following health insurers for 2025:

  • Achmea, including Zilveren Kruis
  • Menzis
  • VGZ
  • CZ
  • DSW
  • ONVZ
  • Eucare
  • a.s.r.
  • Zorg en Zekerheid
  • Salland
  • SZVK

Should you receive care at Kaleidos GGZ, you consent to possible (additional) out of pocket payments as applicable for your health insurance policy. In case of doubt, we suggest you to contact your health insurance prior to your first appointment.

Kaleidos is affiliated with the 'Regulation for Uninsured Foreigners. We are also affiliated with the program for care for Ukrainian displaced persons (RMO) and asylum seekers (RMA). This means that under certain conditions, a number of patients without health insurance can also receive care from us. If you are an uninsured foreigner or if you are referring one, please contact us before registration for consultation and information about the potential out of pocket contribution at

Starting from January 2022, the financing structure of mental healthcare has transitioned to the Zorgprestatiemodel, and each appointment will be billed separately. The amount billed depends on the profession of the healthcare provider, the duration of the consultation, and the type of consultation (diagnostics or treatment).


Kaleidos follows the rates established by the ‘Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa)’ (Dutch Healthcare Authority). You can find the rates here.


You can cancel or reschedule your appointment free of charge up to 24 hours in advance by phone or email. For appointments canceled or rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance, we will charge a fee of €85. These costs are not covered by your health insurance and you are responsible for paying them.


Without a referral letter from your general practitioner or medical specialist, or if there is no DSM classification present, the treatment will not be reimbursed by your health insurance provider.

While Kaleidos primarily provides insured care, there are some exceptions that fall outside of reimbursed care, such as (forms of) relationship and family therapy, primary diagnoses such as sexual problems or adjustment disorders, and the support services to modern families. These services likely will not be covered by your insurance and would need to be paid for out of pocket.


The treatments provided at Kaleidos are covered by the universal health insurance (basisverzekering). With a referral from your general practitioner or other authorized healthcare provider, the treatment at Kaleidos can be reimbursed. However, please be aware of the deductible/excess (eigen risico) that may apply.

Kaleidos has already signed contracts with the following health insurers for 2025:

  • Achmea, including Zilveren Kruis
  • Menzis
  • VGZ
  • CZ
  • DSW
  • ONVZ
  • Eucare
  • a.s.r.
  • Zorg en Zekerheid
  • Salland
  • SZVK

Should you receive care at Kaleidos GGZ, you consent to possible (additional) out of pocket payments as applicable for your health insurance policy. In case of doubt, we suggest you to contact your health insurance prior to your first appointment.

Kaleidos is affiliated with the 'Regulation for Uninsured Foreigners. We are also affiliated with the program for care for Ukrainian displaced persons (RMO) and asylum seekers (RMA). This means that under certain conditions, a number of patients without health insurance can also receive care from us. If you are an uninsured foreigner or if you are referring one, please contact us before registration for consultation and information about the potential out of pocket contribution at

Starting from January 2022, the financing structure of mental healthcare has transitioned to the Zorgprestatiemodel, and each appointment will be billed separately. The amount billed depends on the profession of the healthcare provider, the duration of the consultation, and the type of consultation (diagnostics or treatment).


Kaleidos follows the rates established by the ‘Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa)’ (Dutch Healthcare Authority). You can find the rates here.


You can cancel or reschedule your appointment free of charge up to 24 hours in advance by phone or email. For appointments canceled or rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance, we will charge a fee of €85. These costs are not covered by your health insurance and you are responsible for paying them.


Without a referral letter from your general practitioner or medical specialist, or if there is no DSM classification present, the treatment will not be reimbursed by your health insurance provider.

While Kaleidos primarily provides insured care, there are some exceptions that fall outside of reimbursed care, such as (forms of) relationship and family therapy, primary diagnoses such as sexual problems or adjustment disorders, and the support services to modern families. These services likely will not be covered by your insurance and would need to be paid for out of pocket.

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