Mental health care for LGBT+

Gender care

Quick and easy in 4 steps
Stap 1:
personal information
Stap 2:
contact details
Stap 3:
medical information
Stap 4:
reason for registration

Procedure preregistration gender care

Welcome to the pre-registration page for care aimed at diagnostics and indication for medical transition for adults. Before you pre-register, it is important to carefully read the information below and fill out the form completely and truthfully.

We are aware that we set many conditions and unfortunately cannot help everyone. We have chosen to be transparent to avoid confusion and disappointment as much as possible.

Important information regarding the registration process and this page:

  • No rights can be derived from the information on this page.
  • The registration form appears every two months on the first Monday of the month at 12:00 PM (e.g., October 7, December 2, etc.) and disappears after the maximum number of registrations has been reached. The registration form appears at the top right via a separate button called ‘Preregistation Gender care’.
  • If it is not possible to fill out the registration form, the form is not active, and it is also not (any longer) possible to pre-register for this care.
  • It is not possible to register for diagnostics/indication care through a referral to regular mental health care (GGZ) to Kaleidos. We keep these two departments separate within Kaleidos.
  • Based on the pre-registrations, Kaleidos makes a selection based on the content and completeness of the information. The selected referrals will be invited to be referred by a recognized referrer (e.g., general practitioner or healthcare psychologist). If the referral is complete and received within 2 weeks of the invitation, you will be invited for the start of the diagnostics/indication process. Our goal is for you to have your first appointment within a few months after the referral.
  • Incomplete or incorrect information may lead to the rejection of the referral, or the termination of contacts with Kaleidos, even if you have already started.
  • Forms of individuals who are not selected for an appointment with Kaleidos will be deleted. We do not have our own waiting list.
  • Always remain on the original waiting list where you were once referred.

Important information regarding our care:

  • Kaleidos has a limited number of spots per year for care for diagnostics/indication for medical transition.
  • To contribute (fairly) to the waiting list problem, Kaleidos only accepts pre-registrations from people who have been on a waiting list for medical gender care for at least 2 years (e.g., at VUmc, Radboudumc, or Genderteam Zuid). It is mandatory to provide proof of this.
  • Kaleidos collaborates with Gender Clinic Bosch en Duin for medical care. We do not refer to other care providers (e.g., not to MK Velsen, MC Bloemendaal, VUmc, etc.). Please check in advance whether the medical care you desire is provided by the Gender Clinic ( and only register if this is the case.
  • Given the limited capacity, Kaleidos does not offer mental health care (e.g., treatment for trauma or depression) alongside the diagnostics/indication for medical transition. However, we do offer low-frequency guidance contacts during the transition. If you need more intensive care, please request a referral for mental health care elsewhere or contact patient organizations, such as Transvisie.
  • We also do not offer the possibility for psychological trajectories to explore your gender identity or work on coming out, etc., prior to diagnostics/indication via Kaleidos. When referred for diagnostics/indication for medical gender care, we expect that the social transition is largely completed (e.g., you have come out and are living in your desired gender in most areas of your life).
  • It is not possible to transfer from the mental health care department at Kaleidos to diagnostics/indication for medical gender care or vice versa.
  • It is absolutely not a problem if you are non-binary or have a non-binary medical care request, or if you have a mental health diagnosis. However, if there are significant/complex psychological and social problems (e.g., with your housing or finances), we may not be able to provide you with sufficient care compared to larger gender teams.
  • It is possible, within the context of diagnostics/indication for medical gender care, to receive an expertise statement for changing your legal name and gender. This is not possible if you do not receive this care from us.
  • Kaleidos operates according to the Dutch care standards for transgender care and the international guidelines of WPATH. Our care is covered by health insurers, and we are a recognized gender team. We provide care with a team of psychologists and psychiatrists, many of whom are also sexologists and experienced in working in transgender care and LGBTQ+ care. During your first appointment, you will receive more information on how medical gender care is provided at Kaleidos.
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